WonderCoder of the month: Mia

Each month at WonderCoders, we meet an awesome coder, get some tips from her and find out more about her superpower.

Hi Mia! Tell us about what you do and who you are.

UX designer and business developer

 cand.it from IT University of CPH

 How long have you been in tech?

Good question I started out with my own pc in 1995 and then it took from there. In the tech field, that started in 2006 when I took classes in entrepreneurship, programming and digital communication at IT University of CPH.

How did you get into tech?

Through IT University of Copenhagen, my student jobs

How has your your journey in tech been?

A little bit bumpy, you have to find your forces and skills and be excited for your progress of learning new skills.

Are you a woman in tech? Please share your challenges?

I have missed role models. I didn’t have the confidence when choosing my education when I was in my 20’s, to choose e.g Data science. If your are in a team with less women, be aware that you have the power to take ownership of projects.

How did you overcome them?

I got older, more brave, more confident in myself, started working with more technical projects. I found like- minded people and good networks where it was okay to be a geek girl. A milestone for me was when I started working at Coding Pirates.

What’s your aspiration in your tech journey?

To become a front end developer one day and get a certificate, educate young people to code and be a role model.

Please share with our readers why they should get a career in tech!

Tech is everywhere. It is an awesome field to work in, innovate and create test spaces for new apps, devices etc.

Any tips or advice for them?

Find a mentor and like-minded people.

Could you give us some ideas on how we can overcome the diversity gap in tech?

Teach and empower girls especially in the age of 7 -14, to be more confident in tech and to choose education in technology/ data science. Have a stronger role models network.

Do you know a woman in tech? Can you nominate our next WonderCoder for our next feature?

Nikolina Shopova


At WonderCoders, we’re looking for stories to help inspire women to explore tech careers. Let us know if you’re a woman in tech, or know someone with tech superpowers. By sharing your story, you will help to build and encourage the community, and hopefully inspire a new generation of wonder coders.