WonderCoder of the month: Sadhia Mengal

Each month at WonderCoders, we meet an awesome coder, get some tips from her and find out more about her superpower.

This time, we heard from Sadhia, who believes that coding should be offered as a subject just like Mathematics and Danish in school. 

Hi Sadhia! Tell us about what you do and who you are.

I’m Sadhia and I work with IT project management. Design and IT are my passions.

How long have you been in tech?

I’ve been in tech for a little more than a year now.

How did you get into tech?

I did the Le Wagon bootcamp in programming summer 2016. That helped me to get into my current job as IT Project Manager.

How has your your journey in tech been?

A journey with a very steep learning curve. And thankfully so many resources to get help from. From colleagues that want to share their knowledge to meetups and cool initiatives like WonderCoders and Codher that provide a platform for learning.

Are you a woman in tech? Please share your challenges?

Yes I am a woman in tech. I haven’t experienced challenges due to my gender. In fact, I’ve been positively surprised at how welcoming my employer (Visma) has been.

How did you overcome them?

Being myself 🙂 Being positive, applying humor and putting in the effort. That helps overcoming 99 percent of the challenges you can think of, regardless of which industry you are in.

What’s your aspiration in your tech journey?
I aspire to create awesome digital solutions since I’m a UX geek. My journey in tech has only just started.

Please share with our readers why they should get a career in tech!

It’s the most exciting industry with so many opportunities. And it keeps on growing! We consume tech products every single day. Why not have a say in how they are developed, produced or marketed?

Any tips or advice for them?
Don’t be scared, just jump in it! Take some free coding classes online. Once you are comfortable join a bootcamp, build your first app. If you find it too technical – remember – you can still work with tech either as a project manager or product developer. You don’t need to be a coding wiz.

Could you give us some ideas on how we can overcome the diversity gap in tech?

Girls should be encouraged to develop tech skills from an early age, the school curriculum should have coding classes just like Danish or maths classes.. Policy efforts need to take place before we can overcome the diversity gap.

Can you nominate our next WonderCoder for our next feature?

Nynne from Rails Girls.



At WonderCoders, we’re looking for stories to help inspire women to explore tech careers. Let us know if you’re a woman in tech, or know someone with tech superpowers. By sharing your story, you will help to build and encourage the community, and hopefully inspire a new generation of wonder coders.